Safe but not free: How the UK has capped the dignity of people seeking asylum


Despite Article 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights holding the right to dignity to be indispensable, this is not a reality for thousands of people seeking asylum in the UK. Imagine having to flee your home, and, upon finding sanctuary, you are forced by law to put your life on hold for years while bureaucratic structures decide your fate. Your confidence diminishes and your skills deteriorate while you remain dependent on small handouts provided by the same system that has limited you in the first place. You want to work and provide for yourself and your family, to live a dignified life, but you are told to just wait.

At its core, Breadwinners supports refugees to build the foundations for a career by developing their skills, confidence and language abilities. A key pillar in the Breadwinners’ mission is to support greater ease in integration for people upon being granted refugee status in the UK…

Read the full article on No Walls from Nahzley Anvarian & Charlotte Gallagher of Breadwinners.

Naz Anvarian