Giving Mahari space to grow

Jack, Mentor, giving a speech at the Risers Graduation Ceremony - Cohort #4

Jack, Mentor, giving a speech at the Risers Graduation Ceremony - Cohort #4

“I had the privilege of mentoring Mahari for eight weeks on the Primrose Hill stand (and sampling some delicious loaves along the way). 

For the sake of a good story, I’d love to say there was a huge transition from shy and insecure young man into a confident and outgoing one. But the reality is Mahari threw himself into the experience from day one. Did he get it right straight away? No. Few of us do. But the fact he felt comfortable enough to push himself to learn new skills on-the-fly is a testament to how supportive and encouraging Breadwinners is as an organisation. 

It’s easy to stay in our comfort zones, but we don’t learn anything in them. By the end of eight weeks, Mahari had the confidence to go for an interview and is now managing the stall by himself. It's an enormous accomplishment and I'm incredibly proud of what he’s achieved.”
