Breadwinners’ Recipes: Ribbon Sourdough Sandwiches


The amazing part of volunteering with Breadwinners is that we get to be a part of an extremely diverse community. It’s a wonderful platform from which you can learn more about other cultures - and it is even more enjoyable because of our love for food!

I’m Stephanie and I’ve been volunteering with Breadwinners as a mentor for a year now. I am currently mentoring one of our Breadwinners, Pouria from Iran. Pouria and I both love cooking and experimenting new recipes! Here’s one we’ve created that brings together flavours from Iran and Sri Lanka (where I’m originally from).

At any Sri Lankan tea party, you might find the classic ribbon sandwich – carrots, beetroots and green leaves sandwiched between layers of buttered bread. In Iran, feta, walnuts and spring onions are a divine combination with bread. We thought, why don’t we bring these together?

What you’ll need:

Layer 1

1 x beetroot (cut in pieces and boil)

1 tbsp butter

Salt and Pepper to taste

Layer 2

1 x carrot (cut in pieces and boil)

1 tbsp butter (or as much or little as you like)

Salt and pepper to taste

Layer 3

100g feta cheese

50g walnut

1 bunch of spring onion

How to make:

Layer 1

Cut beetroot into small pieces and boil until soft.

Wait for it to cool and mash (you’ll need to cool it else, the butter will turn into oil, don’t want that grease!) Mix in butter, salt and pepper.

Layer 2

Cut carrot and potato into small pieces and boil until soft. Wait for it to cool and mash. Mix in butter, salt and pepper, as you like.

Layer 3

Crumble feta. Grate walnuts. Cut spring onions into tiny pieces. Mix them up and add pepper.

Time to assemble!

Thinly slice sourdough – you’ll need four slices for one sandwich (It’s important they are thinly sliced, because you don’t want to create a tower!) You can cut off the edges if you like.

Toast the slices first so they’re soft and crunchy. On the first slice, spread beetroot mixture.

On the second slice, spread carrot and potato mixture.

On the third slice, spread feta and cucumber mixture. And voila!

Give it a try! Maybe mix up the layers with one that represents your culture and share your creations with us!

Stephanie Jogakumar