We completed our Refugee Week Seven Sisters Challenge!!


On Saturday, June 24th, we conquered the incredible 22km of Seven Sisters Cliffs as a group of 45 people from both our Breadwinners and Compass Collective communities!!

It was the ultimate challenge, taking us around 6.5h to trek from Seaford to Eastbourne in very hot and sunny conditions, but spirits were high and everyone did amazing!! We left with quite a few sunburns and incredible memories but, most important of all, having put our #CompassionIntoAction 🧡

Here are some words from Faisal about our trek! Faisal is a Risers Graduate from last summer and a committed volunteer who helps us regularly on our markets welcoming new Breadwinners!

“I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible trip we just had. Words cannot fully capture the joy and fulfillment I experienced throughout our journey. From the breathtaking sights we witnessed to the cherished memories we created, every aspect of this trip was truly remarkable.

Moreover, I am grateful for the deepened bond and strengthened friendship we experienced during this trip. We shared not only incredible sights but also personal stories, hopes, and dreams. The conversations we had and the connections we formed are invaluable to me. Thank you for being not just a travel companion, but a true friend.”

- Faisal, Risers Graduate

A MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who supported us in completing our biggest challenge of the year!! Thank you for either participating in the hike and/or sharing and donating to our fundraiser! Thanks to your incredible generosity, we raised over £4500!!

This money has already allow us to take our young people on this memorable hike (covering transport & food costs) and is going to allow us to support more young people into our programmes by allowing us to buy more equipment for our stalls to open new markets and provide paid work at the Living Wage!


Have a look below at some of the beautiful memories we made on the trip!


Make sure you give our Instagram account @wearebreadwinners a follow to see all our content of the weekend including epic videos curated by our talented Volunteer Videographer Omar!! Our Refugee Week donation page is also still live for any last-minute donations!

Delphine Polidori