The Nitty Gritty: Participatory Action + AI Research 2023/24

This year, we have innovated on our Participatory Action Research by incorporating the EarlyBird voice recognition chat bot to help us reach out to more programme participants and hear their opinions. Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a research method that values experience as knowledge and engages participants in the conducting of research. Yasmin (volunteer mentor) and a team of 16 young people designed the questions, conducted one to one calls with 91 programme participants, and also used the EarlyBird voice recognition chatbot to gather very useful information which will shape our programmes and strategy.

At Breadwinners, we’re dedicated to improving our programmes and operations through ongoing evaluation and feedback. We understand the importance of utilising impact data to make changes that support our mission and benefit our programme participants. This year’s Participatory Action Research (PAR) has been a game-changer for us, and I can’t wait to share the highlights with you.

In our recent 2024 PAR, we identified 13 key changes to our programmes and strategies. This process involved gathering valuable feedback and suggestions from our Breadwinners community, including programme participants and volunteer mentors using AI to collect data and insights. Here are some of the most significant changes we've implemented:

  1. Developing our first advocacy strategy: We're partnering with campaigns that align with Breadwinners' values, bringing the voices of young people to the forefront. This is a huge step in making sure our participants' voices are heard on a larger scale.

  2. Sharing a checklist of skills and activities: To provide enhanced guidance and structure, we’re giving mentors and mentees a comprehensive checklist to guide them through their mentoring journey. This will help them navigate their mentoring relationships more effectively.

  3. Providing mentoring plans: Mentees now have clear, structured mentoring plans to ensure clarity and alignment throughout their journey. This helps everyone stay on the same page and work towards common goals.

  4. Incorporating cultural awareness and diversity: We're fostering cultural awareness and sensitivity among mentors and mentees. It’s essential that our community respects and understands the diverse backgrounds we all come from.

  5. Enhancing referral support for Risers: We’re providing specialised training tailored to the needs of our Risers, ensuring they get the support they need to thrive.

  6. Expanding our Opportunities Fair: By expanding the range of opportunities available, we’re offering more diverse pathways for our programme participants. There’s something for everyone at our Opportunities Fair!

  7. Establishing a WhatsApp Community Group: We’ve created a dedicated WhatsApp group to facilitate communication and provide easy access to opportunities. It’s a great way to stay connected and informed.

  8. Improving accessibility in training materials: We’ve made changes to the typography used in our training materials to make them more accessible to all participants. Everyone deserves easy-to-read and understandable resources.

  9. Increasing support for donated warm clothes: To address practical needs during winter, we’re increasing our support for donated warm clothes. Keeping our community members warm and comfortable is a priority.

  10. Integrating IT Skills: We're incorporating IT skills from the Proofers Programme into our Breadwinners Programmes. Enhancing digital literacy is crucial in today’s world.

  11. Training Mentors on Managing Expectations: We’re providing training for mentors to manage expectations and emphasising the importance of not providing counselling. Setting clear boundaries is essential for healthy mentoring relationships.

  12. Offering wellbeing first aid training: Mentors will now receive wellbeing first aid training to equip them with essential skills in supporting the wellbeing of Programme participants. It’s all about caring for our community.

  13. Combining training sessions: We’re combining training sessions for Risers and Breadwinners to foster a greater sense of community and collaboration. We’re all in this together, and working side by side makes us stronger.

Additionally, we’ve recognised the usefulness of tools like EarlyBird and chat bot AI for enhancing young people’s participation. These technologies have significantly improved how we gather insights and feedback, making the entire process more inclusive and efficient.

2023/24 Participatory Action Research team on graduation night

We also want to share the data we've gathered in the hope that it might be helpful to other projects supporting young people. By doing so, we aim to encourage others to give Participatory Action Research a chance. For funders, this type of work is invaluable, and we hope to see more support for initiatives like ours.

These changes are just the beginning. We’re committed to continually improving and adapting our Programmes to better serve our community. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and suggestions. Your voices are invaluable, and we couldn’t do this without you.

Stay tuned for more updates and let’s keep working together to make Breadwinners the best it can be!


Martin Cosarinsky Campos