Breadwinners Foundation 2022/2023 Accounts Review: A Year of Resilience and Impact

Dear Breadwinners friends and supporters,

I know this is not the most exciting thing ever, so I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. Here is a quick review of Breadwinners Foundation's annual financial year 2022/2023.  Keep an eye on the much more interesting Participatory Action Research conducted by our young peeps through March 24 and soon to be published!  Here are some pictures to make it more digestible…

This financial year has been particularly challenging, marked by the post-COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent cost of living crisis, together with the hostile environment towards refugees in the UK. Despite these obstacles, our commitment to innovation and adaptability has allowed us to thrive and make a lasting impact on the lives of refugees and young people seeking asylum.

The good news

Our commitment to innovation and adaptability allowed the Breadwinners Foundation to thrive in the face of adversity. We achieved a 45% increase in sales compared to the previous financial year, expanding our reach with new market stalls and wholesale customers in London. This represents 66.83% of our total income for the period (Grants and Donations making the other part), being the best result in the history of Breadwinners. The addition of the Risers Programme in Brighton contributed to a 32% rise in the number of participants benefiting from our work experience, training, and mentoring programmes.

The not-so-good news

A rapid and unexpected increase in the Cost of Goods; specifically ingredients and energy, coupled with the cost of living salary increases for our people resulted in higher overall costs. Consequently, Breadwinners has, for the first time in five years, made a negative Net Profit. To manage this, the Breadwinners Foundation has undertaken a cost review to build a long-term sustainable financial plan and increased the focus on grant funding and cost savings initiatives.

The good news sandwich 

In recognition of our innovative approach and impact, we were honoured with the "Highly Commended" Impact Management Champions award by Pioneers Post SE100 2023 and the "Third Sector Leadership" award by the Social Value Awards 2023. These accolades validate our commitment to making a positive change in the lives of those we support.

What we are most proud of: 

Our flagship programmes—Risers, Breadwinners, and Proofers—continuously empower and support our participants. The detailed breakdown of each programme's success showcases the tangible impact we've had on the lives of young refugees and people seeking asylum, helping them transition into work, gain valuable skills, and contribute to their communities.

Community Activities

Our commitment to building a sense of belonging and combating isolation resulted in 16 community activities, fostering connections and supporting the well-being of 386 participants. From Iftar dinners to football tournaments, we aim to create a safe space for community members to meet and connect.

Innovative Participatory Action Research Impact Report

The Breadwinners Foundation is proud to have produced the first Participatory Action Research Impact Report, led by Abdul and our programme graduates. This unique approach not only empowers our participants as young leaders but also enriches their CVs with paid work experience, earning the "Real Living Wage." The feedback received from our participants has led to meaningful changes and improvements across our programmes. Keep an eye out for the research undertaking in March 2024 and soon to be published!

Key Findings and Actions Taken

The detailed findings from our participants highlighted areas of success and areas for improvement. We have taken proactive measures to enhance accessibility, support participants with language barriers, increase attendance at training sessions, facilitate mentoring after programmes, and improve overall awareness of opportunities for our participants.

The support from Generous Funders and Donors

Breadwinners Foundation extends heartfelt gratitude to our generous funders and donors, including the Berkeley Foundation, Enjoolata Foundation, Lawrence Atwell's Charity, London Donating Network, Newby Trust, Pears Foundation, Postcode Society Trust, Rayne Foundation, School for Social Entrepreneurs, The Blue Thread, The Lindbury Trust, and The Sussex Community Foundation. Their support has been instrumental in our ability to continue our mission.

Looking Forward

As we look forward, the Breadwinners Foundation remains dedicated to updating and improving our strategy, expanding our programmes, and exploring new models to increase opportunities for refugees and young people seeking asylum. We will continue to raise the voices of the young people we serve, and explore new ways to do so!

Thank you for your unwavering support, and we look forward to meeting more amazing young people and mentors!



Managing Director

Breadwinners Foundation