The sports event of the Year! - GMAX & Breadwinners Sports Day

While the Commonwealth Games is unfolding in Bermingham, we have our own version of athletics, games, food and fun last Saturday 30th of July at the London Marathon Community Track stadium.

GMAX & Breadwinners Sports Event

The Gmax&Breadwinners World Record Athletics Event - Fundraising to give young refugees the opportunity to get into Atheltism through GMAX scholarship. 

Over 120 participants from our charity partners and friends GMAX, CompassCollective, Coram, BritishRedCross, DOST, Hope for the Young, TheBikeProject, YoungRoots, Caras, FootballUnited, run, played, eat and shared a very active day together.

A big shout out to GMAX and Breadwinners core teams who put the event together, and to everyone who participated! 

Also to Compass Youth Leaders Nhial and Yordanos helped organise the penalty shootouts, which were followed by Relay races, Limbo and Dancing, food and fun. It was a day to remember. To top everything up, GMAX young people achieved the world record for 22 runners in 400mts Relay on 23:10.49!!!!

Information for Young People:

Please see below all the opportunities to sign up and participate in amazing programmes & activities, and access support! Click to sign up!

GMAX Atheltic Scholarship Academy - Get a Scholarship on Athletics, Professional Coaching, and pathways into a sports career!

Breadwinners Risers Programme - Do your first work experience in UK, training and mentoring, selling bread at markets stalls across London & Brighton!

Compass Collective Programmes  Be part of English classes theatre and music projects and a professional development programme!

CORAM Young Citizens Programme - Young Citizens Trainers co-design and run workshops for other young people who are new to the country!

DOST Youth Club - Youth Center, Residential, Fun Activities Creating a Community for Young Refugees and Migrants in London!

British Red Cross Support - Access support with Family Reunion, Case Work and Youth Activities!

Hope for the Young - Get mentoring support and Hardship Grants for Young people!

The Bike Project Bikes and Programmes - Get a bike, and sign-up for cycling programmes!

Young Roots Support - Gain Case Work Suppor and youth activities!

CARAS Youth Club - Get Education support, do sports and do social activities!

Football United Sessions - Be part of the team! Weekly Football Sessions for young people!

We hope to see you all at our next community event!

The Breadwinners team