Having an Impact: Pouria's Breadwinners Experience

Pouria (left) at the farmer’s market with another stall holder (taken before COVID-19)

Pouria (left) at the farmer’s market with another stall holder (taken before COVID-19)


This is an impact report created by Programmes Manager Charlotte describing Pouria’s experience as a Breadwinner in 2019 and 2020 and evaluating the programme. This was produced for internal use to improve our services, and includes Pouria’s honest feedback on the programme. Thank you so much to Pouria for his help.

Pouria’s experience

Joining Breadwinners in July 2019, Pouria has taken part in all three programmes: Risers, Breadwinners and Proofers. In January 2021, Pouria reflected on his Breadwinners journey and where he is now. 

Pouria started as a Market Stall Manager in January 2020 working at both Primrose Hill and Stepney Green Market, working there until COVID-19 took hold in London.  

Being an active part of the local community is a big part of being a Market Stall Manager as Pouria built relationships with customers, the other traders as well as his colleagues at Breadwinners: 

“[My] favourite part is seeing new people, especially at the market I used to work at. Most people there are local and they come every week.”

Having work and going to the market every weekend, gave Pouria purpose, responsibility and fulfilment:

“I really enjoyed waking up early and going to set up the stall”

Martin, Breadwinners director (left), Hassan, Breadwinners Operations Co-ordinator (centre back) and Pouria (left) on our summer day out, 2020

Martin, Breadwinners director (left), Hassan, Breadwinners Operations Co-ordinator (centre back) and Pouria (left) on our summer day out, 2020

The Proofers programme

However, in late March 2020, the introduction of the first government lockdown meant that Breadwinners temporarily withdrew from all of the markets. 

Breadwinners pivoted to support Market Stall Managers to become Online Sales Representatives. Pouria became part of the Proofers Programme pilot. Pouria reflects on what went well and changes that can be made going forward. 

After the launch of an Online Bread shop, Breadwinners created a training curriculum to rapidly upskill the Market Stall Managers to call our customers, write emails, deal with complaints and encourage one-off customers to become weekly or fortnightly subscribers. The training programme was supported by volunteers and was intensive, comprising of 2-hour evening sessions for one week. Every Sales Representative worked with their mentor for the following week practising their phone presence, building rapport, speaking clearly and asking follow up questions to understand the customer experience better. Pouria says:

“That training was good, I might have even needed more training. We need to consider everyone, not just ourselves; this is a good plan because not everyone has time or learns the same as us. [Everyone learns] at different speeds.”

Following the intensive period, Proofers took part in weekly training sessions to stay connected as a team and continue upskilling. 

Over the course of four months, Pouria spent over 10 hours on the phone with customers developing his technical and customer service skills in an online environment.

“I learnt how to send emails, have a phone call, speak to different people and respect their views, transfer the information I wanted to [onto the database]. I think it was a really good experience but it was not as good as being a Market Stall Manager as I like being active and an online job doesn't give you the option to be active.”

A Proofers training call

A Proofers training call

Evaluating the programmes model

Pouria explained to us how he felt about the delivery of the programme as a 6-month Breadwinners programme followed by 3-months on the Proofers programme. He said:

“I think it's actually better because if they work at the market first, they learn about everything and have a bit of experience. When they realise they know everything from the market, they can move onto the Proofers programme and develop their IT skills and get new experiences. This is better as they can work for Breadwinners longer. It is better to be a Market Stall Manager first and then be a Proofer.”

Pouria then applied to be a Junior Innovation Officer at the Red Cross, where he was successful and moved into his new role. He reflects that the support from his mentor, Steph, the skills he learnt at Breadwinners and the weekly training throughout the lockdown period helped him to secure this position. Pouria says that the confidence a Market Stall Manager gave him helped unlock opportunities in different areas of his life as he felt a greater ability to seize them:

“[In the past,] I was worried about rejection, and didn't want to apply for new things. After being Market Stall Manager, I felt more able to seek new opportunities. I am confident to go and apply for the jobs and be in touch with people in the same organisation that I work and seek new opportunities from them.”

What could Breadwinners have done better?

As feedback, Pouria suggested that English lessons would be useful:

“I think Breadwinners already did a lot but I think English lessons would be good to help our language. Even the Risers, this would be good for them.”

Pouria also suggested using our vast volunteer base to set up meetings with people working in different sectors to get a greater understanding of different fields of work:

“Arrange meetings with different people in the company as it feels like we are always learning something new. Every day is a new day. If you bring this kind of environment for the employees this is fantastic. [When working at the Red Cross] I spoke to someone who was in South Africa and I learnt so much from her about what they are doing in the Red Cross and about the people in South Africa- I learnt so much and I really enjoyed it.”

Pouria, Hanad and Mahmoud connect online.

Pouria, Hanad and Mahmoud connect online.

Looking forwards

Thinking about his current role, Pouria says:

“I am highly confident, I am ready for sure. I have a lot of experience now. I have worked in 3 positions and completed the Risers Programme so I have done some volunteering as well. I learnt a lot in this time. It was not a short period, over 1 year and I think I am prepared and I am confident.”

Pouria’s long term goal is to work in medicine as either a doctor or a nurse. 

“Breadwinners [gave] me so many skills but I think I need something that is more related to the course I am studying. For medical school I need to do an interview and I need relevant experience.”