Carla interviews Musa about his Breadwinners journey!

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Carla: How did you get involved with Breadwinners?

Musa: A friend at college who had done it recommended it. I have to do 30 hours work experience for college so it made sense. Travel expenses being paid is really helpful, it’s good to have a benefit like that.

C: Tell me about your experience with Breadwinners? 

M: I joined in early February. In the beginning, I didn’t understand anything about bread and I began to learn a lot of things like ingredients. The first time I didn’t know what to do but Mentors helped explain everything and make you more comfortable. 

After the first few days, I felt more energy doing something I hadn’t done before like trying to talk to people and improve my English. Talking to customers makes you present yourself in your own way. I went every weekend. With my mentor we decided to do a project with art and bread bags. Customers liked it and had different reactions- some say thank you, some say they really like it. It gave me energy like I am doing something good to help people. I have learnt some good communication skills and how to be a leader. I have a good relationship with people from around London and now we are one Breadwinners family. Every Sunday we meet online from home.

C: What was the best moment on the Risers Programme? 

M: North Greenwich market and the exhibition of bread bag art. There were lots of people, really busy with music, people dancing - why haven’t we done this one before? I felt more energy. Music changes your mood and energy. We were playing and talking. The questions for the public consultation were really interesting, I enjoyed hearing about different experiences and perspectives about work including someone that really didn’t like their job!

I really liked the graduation although it was online. It was good, everyone was happy and talking about their experience it was good to share and talk about it together and reflect.

C: What has Breadwinners taught you about yourself?

M: More self confidence - you have to be you. From some things Charlotte told me that I really remembered - Trust yourself. Even if you’re not good enough. Trust yourself as much as you can. Never be fake just be you how you are, never try to be someone else. This has given me the idea that I am good enough. Nothing is 100% but if you try you can do it.  

This was my first work experience in this country and first time I am a server for a customer. If you don’t feel comfortable you can’t talk to a customer so it is really important to be yourself and feel comfortable.

Online art workshop was a challenge at first. I was worried but then I went online and showed all my art and talked about my work. It was good. I really enjoyed it, people listened and asked me questions about my art..I don’t have to be afraid or care about anything i just went for it.

C: How has having a mentor supported you?

M: She had lots of ideas and was never afraid to share her opinion. If I didn’t want to do something she encouraged me to try once. 

We went to art class, I love art and I do art but I hadn’t had the idea to do this. We talked about different ideas and decided what to do. We went to the art class in Waterloo and spent some hours talking about the project and finally started to do it.

When I came home I sat down and did the art and managed to do it. Everyone really liked it and supported me and now i feel I can do more and more. We are lucky to meet each other because we both like art.

During the interview training, first Carla interviewed me and then we talked about my experiences. Then she gave me feedback to help me improve my answers.

C: How do you think Breadwinners and support from your Mentor will help you in the future?

M: More ideas and more self confidence. In the future if I get any work I will understand how to apply and what to say at an interview. The training gave me a lot of ideas.
