Breadwinners Reflects on Black Lives Matter during Refugee Week

Written in collaboration with our Breadwinners


Every day at Breadwinners, we see the importance of diversity and value in the differences that we have as a team. Our different backgrounds bring us different perspectives and approaches to the challenges we face, which seems more important than ever.

In the words of Ruth, ‘We are stronger when we are together.’ 


‘Racism is part of our history, but we don’t want to see it in our future, we want to change the future.’ - Ruth


As an organisation, we question our approach, our theory of change and ask for feedback so that we can be better and ensure we are upholding the human rights of others. We ask policy-makers, journalists, decision-makers to also question their approach, to seek out the systemic racism that exists in our society. Mahmoud says, ‘You don’t have a choice who you are born as,’ but we all have the right to accept ourselves, feel comfortable in our own skin and ‘live freely’. Breadwinners stands with the Black Lives Matter movement and actively promotes anti-discriminatory practices within our mission. We promote inclusion, celebrate diversity and want to see a world of equity.


Jamal reflects on the long-term impact of racist micro-aggressions. He says that discrimination and racism ‘leaves something in your heart which will develop into things in your head’. When we have done all our daily tasks, gone to work/college, slept for 8 hours, had our dinner, the time we have left is limited. Life is too short to hurt others.

‘How human beings care for each other, conditions our own thoughts. You only have a few hours in life to live, you just have to believe in yourself… create a vision for your life.’ - Jamal

Breadwinners supports refugees with their first job in the UK and we look to employers to do the same. We implore employers not to recruit in their own image but to seek diversity and difference, to envisage the potential of what refugees and diversity can bring to the table. Pouria states that it is who we are on the inside which is most important. To use the words of barrister and broadcaster, Hashi Mohammed, employers who do not see this potential are, ‘losing the opportunity to find someone that can transform you, your company and the way you see the world.’ 


Our mission is to contribute to ending the negative bias held against refugees in the UK, by supporting refugees into their first job and providing work experience for young people seeking asylum. We all hold accountability to seek out inherent bias and prejudice in the world around us. It is everyone’s responsibility to understand the systemic problem, to be committed to equality and to proactively create change.

At Breadwinners, we believe that Refugees and people seeking asylum are talented, skilled individuals who have lots of potential to contribute to the economy, the workplace and to our communities. During Refugee Week, we are taking time to celebrate the people we work with everyday. We are so grateful to be part of a community with such amazing Breadwinners, Risers and volunteers. 

‘We are all beautiful.’  - Ruth 

Charlotte Gallagher