Bready, Steady, Go! Breadwinners bikes to Brighton


On Sunday 26th June, during Refugee Week 2022, a team of 30 of us from Breadwinners are cycling from London to Brighton!

All dough raised will go towards setting up a brand new Risers Programme in Brighton!

Why are we cycling to Brighton?

In September 2021, Breadwinners expanded to Brighton. To celebrate Refugee Week as a community, we thought it made sense to connect the dots and hop on our bikes to the seaside!

What will the funds be used for?

All dough raised will go towards setting up a Risers work experience programme for young people seeking asylum living in Brighton and Hove.

What’s the Risers Programme?

It’s a two-month programme for young people seeking asylum to gain:
- work experience
- employability training
- 1:1 mentoring

The programme is designed to enable young people seeking asylum to develop transferable skills, improve their wellbeing and widen their social networks while they wait for their right to work (refugee status), which can take years.

Where will my dough go?

£10 provides one day’s travel & food expenses for a young person to gain work experience at our markets
£20 provides an apron for a young person at our markets
£60 provides one market's pitch fee
£100 provides one employability training session for 15 young people
£200 provides equipment to run our market stalls, giving young refugees their first job in the UK
£500 provides a gazebo for a new market stall

If you can, please donate by clicking this link

Big thanks from the Breadwinners team

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