Fashion, Purpose, and Community: My Journey with Breadwinners and Tread Ahead

Three years ago I found myself surrounded by the smell of fresh bread and the most inspiring group of people. That’s how my journey with Breadwinners began, and I haven’t looked back since!

Back in February, I had the opportunity to attend an exclusive clothing event hosted by the Thread Ahead Charity.

If you haven’t heard about the work they’re doing you’ve been missing out! They provide brand new clothes, toiletries and accessories to refugees and asylum seekers, helping them feel little more at home as they start over.

A group of 10  young people signed up for this amazing experience where a team of stylists, photographers and videographers captured every moment. The energy was next level it wasn’t just about outfits it was about self expression, empowering and community.

For Breadwinners it was an absolute honour to be invited again to an event that celebrates creativity and opportunity.

Here’s to more moments like this where fashion meets the purpose and everyone gets a chance to shine!


Breadwinners  Volunteer 

Soniathread ahead