Bonfire Recipes: Nduja Charcoal Sourdough Sandwich & Black Bread Balls in Tomato Sauce

Charcoal Sourdough

Guy Fawkes night is a spooky one, where fires burn throughout the city, with parades, fireworks and bonfires. This year, however, it will be a different one, cuddled up on the sofa, binge-watching Netflix and not being able to leave the house!

Fear not though, we prepared a list of food and recipes that will help you get in the mood, even if in lockdown.

Everybody knows that Bonfire toffee (The toffee tastes very strongly of black treacle) and Yorkshire Parkin (a moist, sticky spice cake made with oats) are the go-to recipes for Bonfire night but we would like to give a twist to your bonfire night with some different ideas easy to prepare and super delicious to eat.


Nduja Charcoal Sourdough Sandwich 


Super easy to make and very spicy, this recipe will heat up your night!


  • three slices of Charcoal Sourdough bread

  • 4 tbsp Nduja (spreadable spicy salami that you can buy online or in Italian shops around London)

  • 8 oz Halloumi cheese

  • 3 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil

  • A handful of arugula


1. As the first step toast the bread and grill the Halloumi cheese. 

2. Sprinkle the bread with the olive oil and then spread the Nduja on top of each slide.

3. Layer all the other ingredients and enjoy. 


Black Bread Balls with Spicy Tomato Sauce


It will take a bit more time to prepare the perfect bread balls but I promise you won’t be disappointed. 


  • 250gr of Charcoal Sourdough Bread

  • 100gr of milk

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 tbsp of parmesan cheese

  • Parsley

  • 2tbsp of EVO olive oil

  • 300gr of tomato sauce

  • 1tsp of crushed chilli

  • A pinch of Salt

  • A clove of garlic

1. In a bowl put the bread and pour the milk on top. Leave it until the bread has soaked the milk and it appears soft. 

Squeeze the bread strongly and put it in a clean bowl. Add the eggs, the chopped parsley, the parmesan cheese and the salt and mix it until you get a compact dough, then shape into small balls.

2. Prepare the sauce by putting the EVO oil in a pan with the garlic and fry slightly. Add the tomato sauce, the chilli and the salt and cook it for 10-15 minutes.

3. Dip the bread balls in the sauce, add half a glass of water and cook for 15 minutes, turning the balls regularly.

Once ready, serve alone or with some rice or stirred vegetables. 

If you try one of the recipes don’t forget to post it and tag us, you will make us very happy!